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  • What is a watershed?
    It's an area where all the rivers flow into the same sea or ocean.
  • What is the capital city of Extremadura?
  • What is the capital city of Andalucía?
  • Why are rivers in the Cantabrian watershed short?
    Because they start in mountains near the coast.
  • What are the countries Spain has borders with?
    Portugal, France, Andorra Gibraltar and Morocco.
  • What are the three things that each autonomus community has got?
    A parliament a government and a court of justice.
  • What are the main rivers in the Cantabrian watershed?
    Navia, Narcea, Nalón, Nervión and Bidasoa.
  • What are te two river basins in Spain?
    Depresión del Ebro and Depresión del Guadalquivir.
  • What are the main rivers in the Mediterranean watershed?
    Ebro, Júcar and Segura.
  • What is the highest mountain in the peninsula? Where is it?
    Mulhacén. It's in Sierra Nevada.
  • What are the main rivers in the Atlantic watershed?
    Miño, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalquivir.
  • How many autonomous communities are there in Spain?
  • What are rivers in the Mediterranean watershed like?
    Most of them are short, except the Ebro, which is the longest river in Spain.
  • Name 5 mountain ranges in Spain.
    Pirineos, Cordillera Cantábrica, Sistema Central, Sierra Morena, Sistemas Béticos, Cordillera Costero-Catalana, Sistema Ibérico...
  • What are the two autonomous cities?
    Melilla and Ceuta.
  • Name the three watersheds in Spain.
    Atlantic watershed, Mediterranean watershed and Cantabrian watershed.
  • What is the highest mountain in Spain? Where is it?
    It's Mount Teide. It's in Tenerife, on the Canary Islands.