
present perfect just yet already

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  • I ____________ (listen) to this CD.
    I have already listened to this CD.
  • Where is John? He _____ (leave)
    He has just left
  • We're excited because we ____(hear) good news
    We're excited because we have just heard good news
  • The train ………………….. (arrive) 5 minutes ago.
    The train has just arrived 5 minutes ago.
  • (you/learn) English verbs ____?
    Have you learned English verbs yet?
  • Susan _____________(visit) London. She ___________ (come back) from there.
    Susan has just visited London. She has already come back from there.
  • I _____________ (be) in the theatre
    I have already been in the theatre
  • I (not take) the dog for a walk _____
    I haven’t taken the dog for a walk yet
  • -Is Ken home? Yes, he ___________(arrive) from school.
    he has already arrived from school.
  • She's worried because she _____ (lose) her phone.
    She's worried because she has just lost her phone.
  • I (not finish) my work ________
    I haven't finished my work yet
  • Daniel (not fix) the broken computer ____
    Daniel hasn't fixed the broken computer yet
  • The kids _____________ (colour) that book
    The kids have already coloured that book