
Emotions and Waiting and Social Skills!

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  • You want to hang out with your friends without your parents, but mom says you're still not old enough. What can you do?
    Say okay, you'll be older soon enough.
  • You talked your mom into letting you take your earbuds to school today. You lost them. What can you do?
    tell the truth, apologize
  • Think of a question to ask somebody in the room. Wait! Write it down. Tell me in 10 minutes!
  • Dad comes home from work in a bad mood. You're excited to tell him about your day and he responds, "Not right now. I've had a long day, I just want to be alone." How could you respond?
    Everybody has bad days. You could say okay and wait until he's had a little bit to relax
  • You accidently locked your cat in your bedroom while you were at school. He peed on your floor. What can you do?
    Clean up it or ask for help if you need it
  • Your water bottle has your name written on it. Another kid asks you if this is to help you remember your name. How could you respond?
    answers vary
  • Write down a time that you felt really happy. Share this with everyone in 5 minutes!
    answers vary
  • You find out that a group of friends is hanging out this weekend and you didn't get invited. What can you do?
    Talk to the person you're closest to and find out why maybe it was an accident you were left out. Find something else to do
  • Write down a time you felt proud of yourself. Share with everyone in 3 minutes
    answers vary
  • Your dog gets out of the house and runs down the road. What should you do?
    Tell an adult and ask for help finding him