
B2 gap fill 5

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  • Geocaching is ______ that all the family can enjoy and there are over 6 million participants wordlwide, so join them and _____ it a go.
    something give
  • they need food in _____ to maintain their energy levels and keep their spirits up.
  • The design of the bed making machine ______ being finalised now and the bed should ____ available for sale in the near future.
    is be
  • Reading really is _____ of the best hobbies you can have. ______ only is it entertaining, but it ______ improves your mind.
    one not also
  • for others, the job is _____ boring that they keep ______ it off until later.
    so putting
  • The food absolutely _____ to be nutritious because astronaut's bodies are put under a lot of pressure.
  • Ears do ______ than hear. They keep you balanced, as _____ .
  • By examining those bones, researchers established that the penguins would have stood 2 m tall and weighed as ______ as 115kg.
  • Many people hate leaving home without ______ made their bed, but they are often in too ______ of a hurry to bother.
    having much
  • A penguin ______ size of this one could have stayed underwater for ______ to 40 minutes.
    THE UP
  • they will spend 120 days living on nothing _____ space food.
  • ________ large has its advantages, as bigger penguins can dive underwater to hunt fish ______ signifcantly longer periods of time compared to smaller species.
  • Do you help _____ with jobs that need doing around the house? if you are anything ______ me, you do.
    out like
  • you'll find ______ hard to follow the story ______ you can remember all the little details which are essential to the plot.
    it unless
  • If you've just been spinning around, the liquid in the canals keeps moving ______ the fact that you have actually stopped turning.
  • There are three types of light _____ can harm the human eye.
  • The penguin species, Palaeeudyptes klewowskii, more commonly _____ as the collosous penguin, would have _____ today's biggest penguins look small.
  • Have you ever wondered ______ astronauts eat while they're in space?
  • Would you like your next walk to be ______ adventure? then _____ not try a high-tech treasure hunt known _____ "geocaching"?
  • and you often come ______ new words, so it's good for improving your vocabulary _______.
    across too
  • When you _______ acrosss one of the hidden boxers there'll be a record book _____ you to leave a message in.
    come for