
G6 Prep U3 Mini test - Verb tenses

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  • We ________ (have) a staff meeting next Monday.
    are having
  • B: He _________ (do) the gardening with his Dad this Sunday.
    is doing
  • Tom and Mary ________ (run) because they're late for school.
    are running
  • My father ________ (not drink) coffee very often.
    doesn't drink
  • What time _________ (you / meet) Matthew tomorrow?
    are you meeting
  • Would you like _______ (go) to the movies with me?
    to go
  • Lisa ________ (wear) her uniform every school day.
  • A: What _______ (Tony / do) this Sunday?
    is Tony doing
  • I enjoy ________ (read) books and _______ (play) sports.
    reading - playing
  • We ________ (not want) to go to the movies tonight.
    don't want
  • I _______ (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
    am not working