
Geometry Review

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  • If the diameter of a circle is 24 feet, what is its radius?
    12 feet Did you remember the label?
  • What is the radius of ONE of the circles shown in the figure above?
    6.25 in
  • If the radius of a circle is 7.5 centimeters, what is its diameter?
    15 centimeters Did you remember the label?
  • What is the height of the triangle shown above?
    12 ft
  • If the diameter of a circle is 17 meters, what is its radius?
    8.5 m Did you remember the label?
  • Explain how to find the area of a semicircle
    Find the area of a circle and then divide by 2. (pi x radius x radius divide by 2)
  • ESTIMATE the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 7 inches. (use mental math and a formula chart if needed)
    approximately 21 inches
  • Pi is the relationship between a circle's circumference and its diameter. What value can you use to represent pi?
    3.14 or 22/7 or 3 as an estimate
  • The distance from one side of a circle to the other while going through the center is called its _____________________.
  • What is the radius of the circle shown in the above figure?
    1.5 inches
  • If the radius of a circle is 18 meters, what is its diameter?
    36 meters Did you remember the label?
  • ESTIMATE the area of the circle shown.
    75 cm Did you remember to use the radius?
  • To find the radius of a circle when given its diameter, you have to ________________.
    divide by 2
  • Describe in words how you would find the area of the shaded figure.
    SUBTRACT the area of the triangle from the area of the rectangle.
  • ESTIMATE the circumference of the circle shown.
    48 cm
  • What is the height of the trapezoid shown?
    12 cm
  • The distance around a circle is called its ________________________.
  • What is the base of the triangle shown?
    6 yd You have to double the base, because you are only given half of the length.
  • To find the diameter of a circle when given its radius, you have to _________________.
    multiply the radius by 2 or double it
  • The distance from the edge of a circle to its center is called the _____________.