
Tell me information

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  • How would you place an order at McDonalds/Burger place?
    I would like......
  • Tell me what you should say/do if you have a headache....
    head hurts/I have a headache/I need to go to the nurse
  • You are at school and start to feel sick.....
    I feel sick/Need the nurse
  • Tell me what you should say if you need to use the restroom
    I need the bathroom
  • you can't understand what your brother said to you....
    can you repeat that?/What?/Say it again
  • You want to make a new recipe, but dont have all the ingredients....
    can we get.....
  • You start feeling hungry.....
    Can I have a snack....
  • How would you place your order from the pizzeria
    Hi, I would like...
  • You are having a hard time with your work....
    I need help
  • You are at a worksite and start feeling lightheaded....
    I need my wheelchair/can I sit down
  • you are feeling thirsty....
    I need a drink