
Grammar 7

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  • [Subject & Predicate] At the movie yesterday, I had a terrific time.
    Subject = I / Predicate= had
  • [SS/SP/CS/CP] John and Albert cleaned the office and the stockroom.
    John and Albert= Compoud Subect / cleaned=Simple Predicate
  • (Identify the kins of sentence.) I want to know why you believe that.
  • (What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) We all love to eat at Foodarama.
  • (Identify the kins of sentence.) Ask the cook for the recipe.
  • [Subject & Predicate] The lady with the pink umbrella is standing in the rain.
    Subject = lady / Predicate= is standing
  • (What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Marite bought Mike a hat and apron.
    Mike=IO / hat and apron=DO
  • (live) The poor in the cities ________ in slums.
  • (discuss) The book on animals _________ the very real danger of extinction.
  • [Subject & Predicate] Davao City is the largest city in the Philippines.
    Subject = Davao City / Predicate= is
  • My mom's laptop with her purse (was, were) left in the car.
    My mom's [laptop] with her purse [was] left in the car.
  • [Subject & Predicate] Michelle is cooking Japanese food tonight.
    Subject = Michelle / Predicate= is cooking
  • (plan) Mrs. Santos and her husband _________ to attend.
  • [Subject & Predicate] The dog likes playing in the park.
    Subject = dog / Predicate= likes playing
  • (What is the subject?) Above us exploded colorful fireworks.
  • [Pronoun Antecedent] Neither Mark nor Paul bought _________ shirt from that store.
  • [SS/SP/CS/CP] At six o'clock each day, Consuelo feeds and walks the dog.
    Consuelo=Simple Subject / feeds and walks=Compound Predicate
  • I haven't got (some/ any/ many) pictures in my album.
  • (What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Nana gave the freshly made spring roll to Teresa.
    spring rolls= DO / Teresa= OP
  • (be) No one ________ allowed to enter the premises.
  • Each girl must submit their report before dismissal.
    [Each girl must] submit [her] report before dismissal.
  • From afar, I could see my classmates pick up ( this/that the) trash on the side walk.
  • (What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Noel gave Beatrice new baking sheets for Chistmas.
    Beatrice= IO / baking sheets=DO / Christmas=OP
  • The San Juanico Bridge, as well as several other bridges, (connect, connects) Leyte to Samar province.
    [The San Juanico Bridge], as well as several other bridges, [connects] Leyte to Samar province.
  • (attend) Several students __________ reading at the library every Saturday.
  • Sheila listened to the news on his radio.
    [Sheila] listened to the news on [her] radio.
  • Mike and Luis are joining his field trip to Laguna.
    [Mike and Luis] are joining [their] field trip to Laguna.
  • Two children of Toglai and Toglibon went to the south, seeking a home and they carried with them women's baskets (baraan).
    Two children (determiner+noun)
  • The batch of cute, little cupcakes (is, are) ready to be sold.
    The [batch] of cute, little cupcakes [is] ready to be sold.
  • [SS/SP/CS/CP] Would they prefer catsup or mayonnaise with their hotdogs?
    they=Simple Subject / prefer= Simple Predicate
  • [Subject & Predicate] Susan's motorbike didn't start this morning.
    Subject = motorbike / Predicate= didn't start
  • Miguel or Romeo will donate _________ salary to build the school.
  • [Pronoun Antecedent] Consuelo is goin to _________ friend's house tomorrow.
  • Either (to be) Either of the books are a good reference.
    Either of the books is a good reference.
  • [SS/SP/CS/CP] Noel took his dog and cat to the veterinarian this morning.
    Noel= Simple Subject / took= Simple Predicate