
CAE Past Tenses Review

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  • I remember we (have) a serious argument, and my friend suddenly began to shout at me really loudly. It was so uncomfortable.
    I remember we (WERE HAVING / HAD) a serious argument and my friend suddenly began to shout at me really loudly. It was so uncomfortable.
  • Doctor House (enter) the bedroom at the exact moment his famous patient (wake up).
    Doctor House ENTERED the bedroom at the exact moment his famous patient (WOKE UP / WAS WAKING UP).
  • I think Jamie (see) someone new. Look at that big smile on his face! He's practically glowing.
    I think Jamie HAS BEEN SEEING someone new. Look at that big smile on his face! He's practically glowing.
  • She (never/spend) as much time with her husband as she (have) the past year. So far, she (not go) crazy.
    She (HAD NEVER SPENT / WASN'T USED TO SPENDING) as much time with her husband as she HAD the past year. So far, she HADN'T GONE crazy.
  • This is the fourth time I (see) my team win the season league championship. Go Bears!
    This is the fourth time I'VE SEEN my team win the season league championship. Go Bears!
  • My grandfather (own) a hotel until he sold it last year.
    My grandfather OWNED a hotel until he sold it last year.
  • I wasn't sure how she would react because I (not/know) her for very long.
    I wasn't sure how she would react because I HAVEN'T KNOWN her for very long.
  • When we (live) in the UK, my parents (run) a small Italian restaurant. Every Wednesday they (serve) spaghetti bolognese for a very affordable price .
    When we LIVED in the UK, my parents (RAN / USED TO RUN) a small Italian restaurant. Every Wednesday they (USED TO / WOULD) serve spaghetti bolognese for a very
  • Dad (get) really mad at my brother. Peter (take) his car keys without permission .
    Dad USED TO GET really mad at my brother. Peter (WOULD TAKE / USED TO TAKE / WAS ALWAYS TAKING) dad's car keys without permission.
  • Virginia (not/have) Italian lessons for very long, so she couldn't speak very fluently.
    Virginia (HADN'T HAD / HADN'T BEEN HAVING) Italian lessons for very long, so she couldn't speak very fluently.
  • The last time I (speak) to you, you (split up) with your boyfriend.
    The last time I spoke to you, you (HAD SPLIT UP / WERE SPLITTING UP) with your boyfriend.
  • Bela really hated that German nanny. If she (not eat) all the porridge, the lady used to punish her by forcing her to have another bowl.
    Bela really hated that German nanny. If she DIDN'T EAT all the porridge, the lady used to punish her by forcing her to have another bowl.