
New England Colonies

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  • The four New England colonies are:
    M_____________, N__________________, , R____________, and C___________
  • The Plymouth Colony was founded (started) in
    a) Massachussetts, b) Maine, c) California
  • The Puritans believed in two things:
    a) relaxed lifestyle and lots of ways to worship, b) strict lifestyle and one way to worship c)easy lifestyle and no worship
  • Roger Williams started, or founded:
    a) Providence b) San Francisco, c) New York
  • Roger Williams was a famous founder, or early settler, of Rhode Island. He believed:
    a) people should worship according to a book, b) people should worship the same way, c) people should worship their own way
  • One common reason, or reason that was the same, that many New Englanders came to America was for:
    a) religious freedom, b) freedom to wear sweatpants, c) freedom to ride horses
  • Since they couldn't grow much, the New Englanders sold:
    a) fish, b) lumber, c) oranges, d) fish and lumber
  • Anne Hutchinson thought that:
    a) personal religious experience is best, b) everyone should worship the same way, c) no one should worship
  • WHEN was the Plymouth Colony founded (begun)?
    a) 2021 b) 1620 c) 1720
  • Who founded, or started, the Massachussetts Bay Colony?
    a) the Puritans, b) the athletes, c) the artists
  • Pilgrims created, or made, their own government, using the _________________.
    a)make-up compact b) compact car, c) Mayflower Compact
  • Name three characteristics or ways to describe what life was like in New England:
    a) lots of mountains and rocky soil, b) long winters, c) short growing seasons, d) none of the above, e) all of the above
  • Anne Hutchinson founded, or started:
    a) Portland, Oregon, b) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, c) Portsmouth, Rhode Island