
EFHE Unit 1 + 2 Review

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  • The best synonym for "powered" is:
    fueled by...
    to fuel
  • Can you use "freedom" in a sentence?
    The students have the freedom to study how they like at home. If you're in jail, you no longer have any freedom. I have the personal freedom to do what I like.
  • Which phrase sounds most UNNATURAL together?
    Financial affairs and financial security
    Personal Finances
    Manage your finances
    Financial money
  • What are some word forms (adj, noun, verb, adverb) we can make from CREATIVE?
    Creativity is important for artists. She creatively solved the problem without any tools. It really depends on your creativeness and imagination.
  • Which example provides the best example of something "efficient"?
    Medicine that begins working immediately.
    A teacher who gives students time to practice each day.
    A doctor who saves a patient from dying.
    An electrical smart car that can drive 100/km per liter.
  • What are some ways we can change the word "afford" into a noun, adjective, and adverb?
    The tuition here is not every affordable. The affordability of buying a home is something we should consider before looking. Affordably priced, and lovely too!
  • What are some of the MAIN EFFECTS of poverty?
    homelessness, starving/not enough food, lack of healthcare, unsafe housing, poor education, etc...
  • Which answer gives the best example of: "Socialize"
    C) Sitting at home and watching a movie alone
    B) Working with co-workers on a company project
    A) to go to a party and spend time with friends
    D) Giving a speech to a big group of peopel
  • What's the best example of "Prevention"?
    Donating money to end poverty
    Practicing so you don't get nervous
    Eating healthy to avoid becoming overweight
    By buying lottery tickets to get rich
  • What's the best Vietnamese translation for "to provide"?
    cung cấp/ chu cấp. A strong education provides you with a chance to find a good job!
  • What type of "equipment" do you need to play football?
    Tennis shoes/trainers, a ball, and goalies probably want gloves but it's not required! Team jerseys are a nice touch too.
  • What are some word forms (Adjectives, verbs, nouns, adverbs) we can make from "equal"
    Equally: We are equally matched opponents. Equality: He wants equality for all citizens. Equal (v): My hatred for you is equaled only by my fear of the teacher
  • This year, I really _____________ with my classes.
  • Can you use "eventually" in a sentence?
    Even though I was tired, I eventually finished my essay. Eventually, we'll need to buy a new one. I hate studying alone, but I'll get to it...eventually.
  • Which is most likely to make your account more "secure"?
    a family shared account
    a strong password
    banking somewhere only open during weekdays
    a bank employee with a lot of experience
  • Change "Access" to an adjective
    Accessible: The classroom is accessible through the front and side doors.