
Spanish American War

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  • What happened to Cuba after the Spanish-American War?
    Cuba became an independent country.
  • In what year did Philippines gain independence from US?
  • What ended the Spanish American War and granted the U.S. new territories?
    Treaty of Paris 1898
  • What did Spain surrender to the United States after the Spanish-American War?
    Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam
  • What did the Platt Amendment say?
    Cuba can't make treaties ; US had right to intervene in Cuba ; The U.S. could send the military in to keep things in order
  • The United States gained large territories from SPAIN during the Spanish American War. Who was the president during this time?
    William McKinley
  • How long did Philippines - American war last?
    3 years
  • True or False: The United States went to war to gain control of Cuba.
  • Why did the US care about Cuba in their revolution?
    Because it threatened US investment in Cuba.
  • What did the United States do after the U.S.S. Maine exploded?
    Congress declared war on Spain.
  • Arrange events: 1.US seized Puerto Rico --- 2.US troops captured San Juan Hill --- 3.Spanish met McKinley at White House --- 4.US troops landed in Santiago --- 5.Spanish fleet lost in Battle of Santiago Bay --- 6.US troops sailed to Cuba.
    6 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 1 - 3
  • What was the name of the warship exploded while it was in Havana, Cuba?
    The USS Maine
  • What caused the Spanish-American War?
    Americans blaming Spain for the United States Navy ship, U.S.S. Maine, exploding in a Cuban harbor.
  • This person, along with William Randolph Hearst, competed to sell the most newspapers in New York.
    Joseph Pulitzer
  • What was the cause of the conflict between Cuba and Spain?
    Cuba wanted independence from Spain
  • What is yellow journalism?
    A kind of writing that exaggerates the news to shock and attract readers
  • In Treaty of Paris, how much did Spain sell Philippines to US?
    20 million dollars
  • How did American newspapers report on the treatment of Cuba by Spain?
    Cuba was treated cruelly.
  • How many Americans were killed when the the warship exploded?
    260 Americans
  • How was the United States's position in Americas after the Spanish-American War?
    The United States became a world power.
  • What were 2 Amendmends that US set up when they stayed in Cuba after the war?
    Teller Amendment and Platt Amendment
  • On May 1st, where did US ally with Filipinos to destroy Spanish fleet?
    Manila Bay