
Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing Chapters 3 and 4

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  • What park does Peter and friends go to play?
    Central Park
  • What did Mother cook for Fudge?
    Lamb chops
  • Who did Mom blame for Fudge's accident?
  • Why did Mother wants Peter to stand on his head.
    So Fudge would eat
  • What does Shelia say about Peter?
    Peter's got the cooties
  • Who are Peter's friends who go to the park with him?
    Jimmy and Shelia
  • What did Fudge pretend to be?
    A dog
  • What did Dr. Come tell Mother about Fudge not eating?
    He would eat when he was hungry
  • How did Dad get Fudge to start eating?
    Dumped his food on his head
  • What did Fudge think he could do?
  • Who did Mother leave in charge of Fudge?
  • What happen while Mother was gone?
    Fudge fell off the monkey bars
  • Why did mother have to go back to the apartment?
    She left the stove on
  • What was all gone?
    Fudge's two front teeth
  • What was Fudge chasing in the park?