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  • What's the meaning of the term "the staff"?
    The group of people working at a company (El personal/los trabajadores de una empresa)
  • Classify the following adjectives into gradable or non-gradable: huge, warm, freezing, awful, old.
    Gradable: warm, old. Non-gradable: huge, freezing, awful
  • Put the following sentence in the correct order: spent / city / holidays / French / a / I / old / my / wonderful / in
    I spent my holidays in a wonderful old French city.
  • What's the meaning of the expression "to be keen on (something)"?
    To be interested in something (Ser aficionado a algo o estar interesado en algo)
  • True or False? : We use to+infinitive if we find a verb after an adjective, and we use gerund if we find a verb after a preposition.
  • Some nouns in English are different in feminine. Complete the table:
    A)Lioness B)Grandmother C)Wife D)Queen E)Actress F)Sister G)Daughter H)Aunt
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets: Olivia ______ (visit) her uncle every weekend.
    Olivia visits her uncle every weekend.
  • Look at the picture. Complete the following sentence using the superlative form of the adjective "expensive": The premium plan __________________ .
    The premium plan is the most expensive.
  • What's the name for this activity?
  • Rewrite the following sentence using the verb in brackets: I think she's at home. (MUST)
    She must be at home.
  • What's the name for this type of house?
    A housing estate
  • Choose the correct option: Look at those clouds. I think it CAN/MIGHT/MUST rain.
  • What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to hand in"?
    To deliver (entregar)
  • Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous to fill in the gaps: "While we __________ (to wait), we ________ (to do) crossword puzzles."
    While we were waiting, we were doing crossword puzzles.
  • What's the meaning of the expression "to apply for a job"?
    To put your name down for a job (solicitar un puesto de trabajo)
  • What's the meaning of the idiom "to pass with flying colors"?
    To pass an exam with a very good mark (aprobar con muy buena nota)
  • True or False? : When the verb is the subject of the sentence we use the infinitive form of that verb. For example: To learn English is a great idea.
    False. When the verb acts like the subject of a sentence, we use the gerund form of that verb: Learning English is a great idea.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets: ______ your girlfriend always ______(to wear) black clothes?
    Does your girlfriend always wear black clothes?
  • Choose the correct option: This is impossible! It CAN'T/MUSTN'T/ MAY NOT be the answer.
  • True or False?: "Used to" describes a habit or typical situation in the past that has changed or is different at present.
  • Put the following sentence in the correct order: airport / man / intelligent / I / an / Canadian / the / old / at / met
    I met an intelligent old Canadian man at the airport.
  • What's the name for this household chore? --> To ______
    To tidy/clear up
  • What's the meaning of the idiom "to learn by heart"?
    To memorize (aprender de memoria, memorizar)
  • Choose the correct prepositions to fill in the gaps: "The plane ____ (next to/at/on) the picture is flying ____ (among/over/through) the city."
    On / over
  • IRREGULAR VERBS. Write the past simple and the past participle of the verb "show".
    Showed Shown
  • Look at the picture. Then, write a sentence using the adjective "tall" and the corresponding comparative or superlative structure.
    Mary is as tall as Jack
  • Gerund or infinitive? Choose the correct tense: "I would like to have/having a cup of coffee, please."
    To have
  • What's the meaning of the verb "to book"?
    To make a reservation (reservar, hacer una reserva)
  • Choose the correct option: I CAN/WILL go with you, but I'M ABLE TO/NEED TO be here by midday.
    Can, need to
  • Change the word in brackets for the corresponding pronoun: Don't forget _____ (your bag)!
  • What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to give up"?
    To surrender or to stop something (rendirse o dejar algo)
  • IRREGULAR VERBS. Write the past simple and the past participle of the verb "give".
    Gave Given
  • IRREGULAR VERBS. Write the past simple and the past participle of the verb "bring".
    Brought brought
  • What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to set off"?
    To start a journey (salir hacia, poner rumbo a un sitio)
  • In which part of the sentence do we place frequency adverbs like: 'monthly', 'every hour', 'twice a week'...?
    At the beginning or at the end of the sentence
  • Gerund or infinitive? Choose the correct tense: "I don't mind to drive/driving you to the airport."
  • Change the word in brackets for the corresponding pronoun: Sophia's hair is longer than _____ (I).
  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets: John ______ (take) a test at the moment.
    John is taking a test at the moment
  • Classify the following feelings into positive or negative: anxious, uneasy, pleased, relieved, jealous, confident.
    Positive: Pleased, relieved, confident. Negative: Anxious, uneasy, jealous.
  • Rewrite the following sentence using the verb in brackets: I recommend you to visit a dentist. (SHOULD)
    You should visit a dentist.
  • Adjectives with -ed and -ing. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word with -ed or -ing: We were quite _____ by the attitude of the other students. SURPRISE
  • Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous to fill in the gaps: "She _____ (to finish) her breakfast, _______ (to prepare) her bag and ______ (to go) to school."
    She finished her breakfast, prepared her bag and went to school.
  • Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous to fill in the gaps: "While I __________ (to text), the school bus ________ (to arrive)."
    While I was texting, the school bus arrived.
  • Adjectives with -ed and -ing. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word with -ed or -ing: Everyone watches Pietro at parties because he's just an _____ dancer. AMAZE
  • How do we call this outdoor activity?
  • True or False? : We don't use the article 'the' with plural or uncountable nouns when we generalize.
  • What's the meaning of the verb "to deal/cope with (something)"?
    To handle or to manage (gestionar algo, afrontar algo, hacer frente a algo)
  • What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to take up (something)"?
    To start something (empezar algo, apuntarse a una actividad)
  • Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (in, on, at): ____ July, the museum opens ____ 11 a.m. ___ the website there are no tickets available ___ Tuesday morning, so we can book them ____ the afternoon.
    In July, the museum opens at 11 a.m. On the website there are no tickets available on Tuesday morning, so we can book them in the afternoon.