
SpeakOut Upper 2.4

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  • the speed at which changes and events occur
    pace of life
  • the division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure activities
    work-life balance
  • to take a position that is ahead of others
    to take the lead
  • something has to change or things can't keep happening like this
    something has to give
  • quite a large amount of
    A heck of a lot of
  • to cut the grass in one's yard
    to mow the lawn
  • to interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem
    to disrupt
  • a person who earns money to support their family
    a breadwinner
  • said before stating something that is unpleasant but true
    Let's face it
  • to do completely different things from what has been done before or from what is usually done
    to break the mould
  • to have plan to do something
    to intend
  • to make or become three times as large
    to treble
  • to spend good time with your family members, someone you're in a relationship with, or really close friends
    to spend quality time with sb
  • to relax and do very little
    to put your feet up
  • used when you want to emphasize that something is true about almost all of a group of people or things
    the vast majority of