
Advance Clone Question - Fruit Ninja Project

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  • When player cut the fruit (video motion on the fruit > 50), how many clone will it create?
    2 (left part and right parts). The the main sprite switch to juice costume
  • Which part of the following program makes the fruit appear at a random position on the top of the stage?
    go to x: pick random from -240 to 240, y: 180
  • If a sprite has many different costume, can its clones have different costume? Please give an example.
  • What is the effect of forever block in the following program? Which actions will be repeated?
    It makes the fruit appear on top of the stage, fall down then repeat everything again.
  • When does the clone stop fall?
    touch the edge
  • Point out 3 differences in the two following programs
    costume name = ... ; change x by ...; turn ... by 5 degrees
  • Why do we have to check if the clone's costume is left or right before programming them?
    Because clone left has different action from clone right
  • Which part of the following program makes the fruit falling until touching the bottom of the stage?
    repeat until y< -180: change y by -10
  • When is the clone deleted? (Before touch the edge, After touch the edge?)
    After touch the edge