
Compare and Contrast

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  • pizza/burger
    Same; food Different: toppings; bun/crust
  • elephant/giraffe
    Same: African animals/zoo animals Different: Elephants are grey and have trunks; giraffes have spots and long necks
  • cake/pie
    Same: desserts Different: pies are filled with fruit and have a crust; cake is made from batter and has icing
  • saw/hammer
    Same: tools Different: hit nails/cut wood
  • couch/chair
    Same: furniture Different one person sits/2-3 people sit
  • dog/cat
    Same: pets/animals Different: dogs bark; cats meow
  • fork/spoon
    Same: utensils, eat with them Different: spoon for wet things-soup, cereal, etc, fork use tines to pick up food
  • snow/rain
    Same: weather Different: white flakes/clear drops, snow only in winter or cold
  • car/plane
    Same: vehicles Different: Plane flies; Car goes on land
  • orange/banana
    Same: fruit Different: round/crescent, yellow/orange
  • cow/pig
    Same: farm animals Different: oink/moo; milk/bacon; mud/grass