
When or While?

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  • ... you saw Keith, was he with Jo?
  • I ... (sit) in a cafe when you ... (call).
    was sitting / called.
  • Susie ... (watch) a movie when she ... (hear) the noise.
    was watching / heard.
  • Yesterday I ... (go) to the library, next I ... (meet) Julie for coffee.
    went / met.
  • ... I was buying the bread, she went to the butcher's.
  • I was in the shop ... someone stole my bag.
  • ... I heard the doorbell, I went to the door.
  • What ... (they / do) at 10 p.m. last night?
    were they doing
  • When you ... (arrive) at the party, who ... (be) there?
    arrived / was
  • I hurt my back ... I tried to lift the piano.
  • I was at the baker's ... I met Jo.
  • ... Jo was washing her hair, I did my homework.
  • I was having lunch ... James arrived.
  • ... we were standing outside the cinema, someone picked my pocket.
  • We ... (play) tennis when John ... (hurt) his ankle.
    were playing / hurt
  • He ... (take) a shower when the telephone ... (ring).
    was taking / rang.
  • When I ... (walk) into the room, everyone ... (work).
    walked / was working.
  • I ... (walk) along the street when I ... (meet) an old friend.
    was walking / met
  • When her train ... (get) to the station, we ... (wait) on the platform.
    got / were waiting
  • Why ... (you/ stand) on a chair when I ... (come) into the room?
    were you standing / came.
  • The customer was being helped by the salesman ... the thief came into the store.