
Insight link L3 ch9-ch12 vocab review

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  • What does "curve" mean?
    A line that is not straight.
  • What does "return" mean?
    To come back.
  • What does "newborn" mean?
    A baby that has just been born.
  • What does "crowded" mean?
    Full of people.
  • What does "connect" mean?
    To join two things together.
  • What does "dock" mean?
    A place to park boats.
  • How many tentacles does a squid have?
  • What does "peninsula" mean?
    A piece of land that sticks out from the mainland.
  • What does "wet" mean?
    Covered in water.
  • What does "ferry" mean?
    A large boat for moving people.
  • What is San Francisco's nickname?
    Fog city
  • What does "temperature" mean?
    How hot or cold something is.
  • What does "display" mean?
    To put something where other people can see it.
  • What does "attack" mean?
    To try to hurt something.
  • What does "patient" mean?
    Someone who is being treated at a hospital (a sick person).
  • What does "giant" mean?
    Very big.