
Home Safety

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  • Why do you need to turn off the sink when you are done?
    So it doesn't cause a flood
  • Where should you never leave your keys?
    In the front door
  • Why should you clean up your floor and stairwell?
    Someone could fall over the clutter
  • Why shouldn't you leave your plugged in phone on the floor?
    Someone could trip over the chord
  • What should you always do, especially if you are home alone?
    Lock the door
  • Why do you need to clean up water from the bathroom floor?
    Someone could slip and fall
  • Should people come into your house without permission?
  • Why shouldn't you plug in too many things in one area?
    It could cause a fire.
  • Why shouldn't you plug anything in near the sink or bathtub?
    You can get electrocuted if it falls in