
Hangout 3 _ Unit 7 _ page 82-83

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  • Is he good at serving the ball?
    Yes, he is. He can serve the ball fast.
  • Say the word.
    lift weights
  • Is she good at serving the ball? (fast)
    YES, she is. She CAN serve the ball fast. / NO, she isn't. She CAN'T serve the ball fast.
  • Say the word.
  • Is he good at throwing the ball? (far)
    YES, he is. He CAN throw the ball far. / NO, he isn't. He CAN'T throw the ball far.
  • Is he good at throwing the ball?
    Yes, he is. He can throw the ball far.
  • Is she good at diving?
    No, she isn't. She can't dive high.
  • Say the word.
    throw a ball
  • Say the word.
  • Say the word.
    serve the ball
  • Say the word.
    use a racket
  • Say the word.
  • Say the word.
  • Is she good at using a racket?
    Yes, she is. She can use a racket well.
  • Is he good at diving? (high)
    YES, he is. He CAN dive high. NO, he isn't. He CAN'T dive high.
  • Is he good at lifting weights?
    No, he isn't. He can't lift weights high.