
Flowering Plants

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  • Name 3 things plants need to make their own food.
    Water, sunlight, carbon dioxide
  • For a seed to germinate, you need...
    water, good temperature
  • What's the name of the gas plants absorb through their leaves?
    Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • What do plants absorb through their roots?
    Water and minerals
  • Why are plants called producers?
    Because they produce their own food.
  • Name three parts of the plant's life cycle.
    Germination, young plant, adult plant, fruit, flower, etc.
  • Name four parts of the plant.
    Root, stem, flower, leaf
  • What is the name of this process?
  • What is germination?
    The seed opens, it has a root and shoot.
  • Name the 2 things plants produce throuth photosynthesis.
    Food and oxygen
  • T or F: Seeds need sunlight to germinate.
  • Name three seeds you know.
    Any seeds :)