
English File Intermediate - future forms

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  • A: Is the air conditioning on? I'm freezing. B: Yes, I think so. _____ (turn) it off?
    Shall I turn (offer in a form of a question with 'I')
  • A: Do you want to come to Dave's on Thursday? B: I can't. I ________ (have) dinner with Sam.
    am having ( an arrangement) 
  • A: Your girlfriend's really nice. B: Yes, she is. I ____ (introduce) her to my parents next week.
    'm introducing ( an arrangement)
  • A: Can I tell you a secret? B: Of course. I _______ (not tell) anyone.
    won't tell (promise)
  • Sorry, but I can't help you now. I ____ (go) shopping.
    'm going (an arrangement )
  • That little boy's cycling too fast. He ______ (fall) off.
    is going to fall ( prediction based on evidence)
  • A: I can hardly lift this suitcase. B: Wait. I ________ (help) you with it.
    will help ( an instant decision)
  • Let's meet outside the theatre at 7.00. Promise me that you _____ (not be) late!
    won't be ( a promise)
  • My sister's having a baby, so I _______ (be) an aunt in a couple of weeks.
    am going to be ( future prediciton based on evidence)
  • Meg didn't study for the exam, so she doesn't think she _____ (pass) it.
    is going to pass ( prediction based on evidence)
  • Do you think you ______ (live) in this town all your life?
    'll live (prediction)
  • A: What time is their flight arriving? B: I'm not sure. I _____ (check) online.
    'll check ( instant decision)
  • I've decided that I _______ (look for) a new job.
    am going to look for ( you have already decided to do it)
  • Did I tell you that we ______ (go) skiing in the Alps next week?
    're going ( an arrangement)
  • We _________ (have) a party next Friday. Can you come?
    are having  (if you invite guests you have probably made some arrangements)