
GBE6 Review U1-9

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  • I'm afraid I don't quite understand. Could you (reexplain/rephrase) that?
  • Make it polite: Can you answer a few questions?
    Would you mind answering a few questions?
  • (As far as/When it comes to) quality is concerned, we are _______ to none.
    As far as / second
  • There will probably be a tax increase next year. (most likely)
    There will most likely be a tax increase next year.
  • I am certain sales will pick up by the end of the year. (bound to)
    Sales are bound to pick up by the end of next year.
  • Make it polite: Can you complete this survey for me?
    Would you mind..., Could you..., I wonder if you could...
  • Our products (are at least/aren't) as good as our competitors’, if not better.
    are at least
  • In the past few months, we have seen ___________ prices. (rise, considerable)
    a considerable rise in
  • Sales have fallen the last two quarters; (However/In spite of), we expect them to increase this quarter.
  • Our profits in Q3 were $5 million. In Q4, profits rose ____ $6 million—a 20% increase.
  • They expect us to finish this job by Friday? It’s impossible! (can’t possibly)
    They can't possibly expect us to finish this job by Friday!
  • If the economy _________ so bad, people _________ book more expensive holidays.
    weren't / would
  • You said the project would take (how long/how much) ? – It will take six weeks.
    how long
  • At the end of the season, many stores reduce prices on their old inventory ___ 50% or more.
  • We didn't do a SWOT analysis. But if we _________ a SWOT analysis, we could plan our strategy better.
    had done
  • Demand for our products (fell slightly/slightly fell) last year.
    fell slightly
  • We offered them a 25% discount. They ordered from someone else, (despite of/in spite of) that.
    in spite of
  • Apartment in the city: $1M, House in the country: $1.1M...An apartment in the city costs (just/nearly) as much as a house in the country.
  • (When it comes/In terms of) customer service, AP is a ____ above the competitors.
    In terms of / cut