
Fun Facts About Ears

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  • What are two ways you can detect sound?
    You can detect sound through vibrations in the air and vibrations in the bones of the head.
  • True or false: For most people our right ear is more tuned into speech and our left ear is more tuned into music.
    True!! This has to do with the hemisphere of the brain that the ear is closest to. 
  • If someone is deaf or hearing impaired, how can they receive communication?
    A person who is hearing impaired can use sign language, reading, and closed captioning to receive information.
  • What part of the ear changes sound waves to vibrations?
    The eardrum changes sound waves to vibrations
  • How many bones are in the ear?
    There are three bones in the ear, the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup). They are the smallest bones in the body.
  • True or false: You stop hearing when you are asleep.
    False. Your ears never stop hearing, even during sleep. Your brain just chooses to ignore sounds and vibrations.
  • What helps to balance pressure in the middle ear?
    The Eustachian tube, is connected to the back of the nose. It helps to balance pressure levels in the middle ear and creates the feeling of popping
  • Why is ear wax useful?
    It collects dirt to keep your ear canal clean, and it contains chemicals that help your ear fight off infections.
  • What can be put in the eardrum to help reduce ear infections?
    Some people have very small tubes put in their ears to help balance the pressure and keep fluid from building up behind the ear drum.
  • What are the three main parts of the human ear?
    Outer ear, middle ear, inner ear
  • What are the two main jobs of the outer ear?
    The outer ear collects sounds and produces ear wax.
  • About how many hairs are in your ear? A. 1,000 B. 20,000 C. 3,500 D. 85
    The ear has about 20,000 hairs. These hairs are meant to help protect your eardrum from debris and help move wax out of the ear.
  • Besides hearing, what other sense is controlled by the ears?
    The vestibular, or balance, sense is controlled in the ears