
Bermuda Triangle

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  • Why could hurricanes be related to the Bermuda Triangle?
    It is located in what is known as "Hurricane alley", hurricanes can occur frequently and unexpectedly in this area, affecting planes and ships disappearing
  • What is another name for the Bermuda Triangle?
    Devils Triangle, Port of Missing Ships, Twilight Zone, HooDoo Sea, Triangle of Death, Limbo of the Lost
  • What happened to 2 of the USS Cyclops sister ships?
    They also disappeared in the same area
  • What do people report happens to compasses in the Bermuda Triangle?
    They spin or stop working
  • Were the Flight 19 planes ever found?
  • List other names the Bermuda Triangle is known as....
    Devils Triangle, Port of Missing Ships, Twilight Zone, HooDoo Sea, Triangle of Death, Limbo of the Lost
  • What is the USS Cyclops?
    A large ship that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1918
  • How would you describe the weather in the area of the Bermuda Triangle?
    Turbulent and unpredictable
  • What happened to the Flight 19 planes?
    Their equipment malfunctioned and they were lost, eventually they crash landed in the sea
  • Who was the first well known person to document strange happenings in the area of the Bermuda Triangle?
    Christopher Columbus
  • Was the USS Cyclops and it's passengers ever found?
  • What was found under the Bermuda Triangle?
    Structures built approximately 50,000 years ago, a possible city that sank into the sea.