
Puerto Rico/Roberto Clemente

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  • Why would Puerto Rico want to remain affiliated with the U.S.?
    trade, protection, financial support
  • Clemente achieved ..................hits.
  • Puerto Rico is located in the
    Caribbean Sea
  • Define humanitarian
    caring for your fellow man
  • Puerto Rico's economy depends on.........
  • Capital of Puerto Rico
    San Juan
  • Define aloof
    distant, detached
  • For Clemente these two things came first
    family and his country
  • Clemente really admired
  • The coquí
    a frog
  • Puerto Rico means
    Rich Port
  • Why would the U.S.want to hang on to Puerto Rico?
    Geographic location, trade partner
  • Puerto Ricans have ......
    U.S. citizenship
  • Why did his plane probably crash?
    Overloaded and in bad shape
  • The only tropical rainforest in U.S. territory
    El Yunque
  • Why did Clemente go with the supplies for Nicaragua?
    Government officials were stealing the supplies he was sending
  • What happened in Nicaragua?
  • MLB honors Clemente's legacy with .......
    an award each season
  • Clemente's team
    Pittsburgh Pirates
  • True or False- Roberto Clemente is in the Baseball Hall of Fame
  • Clemente was very sensitive to
    racial issues