
Compare 3-digit numbers

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  • Ascending order or Descending order
    Ascending order
  • Compare these numbers
    657 is greater than 456
  • What time is it?
    It's a quarter to nine.
  • Linda has 6 book shelves. On each shelf, there are 9 books. How many books does she have in total?
    6 x 9 = 54 (books)
  • Ascending order or Descending order
    Descending order
  • Compare these numbers
    156 is greater than 123
  • Read: 6 x 4 = 24
    Six multiplied by four equals twenty four.
  • Compare these numbers
    235 is less than 568
  • Read: 7 x 8 = 56
    Seven multiplied by eight equals fifty six.
  • There are 490 students in grade 3. Out of these, 165 students join the Math competion at school. How many students do not join the Math competition?
    490 - 165 = 325 (students).
  • True or False: Six multiplied by nine equals fifty four.
    It's TRUE : 6 x 9 = 54
  • True or False: Seven multiplied by three equals twenty four.
    It's FALSE: 7 x 3 = 21
  • A garden has 225 apple trees, 115 pear trees and 160 plum trees. How many trees are there in the garden?
    225 + 115 + 160 = 500 (trees)
  • Compare these numbers
    354 is less than 456
  • What time is it?
    It's a quarter past four.