
Modal Verbs Gold Experience B1

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  • Do you... get a visa to travel to the USA?
    have to
  • The play has been cancelled, so we ... to do something else.
    will have to
  • You... buy an Oyster card when you visit London, but it's a good idea to do so.
    don't have to
  • You can't take much on this trip, so you... buy a large suitcase.
    don't need to
  • We ... ask for directions because we were lost.
    had to
  • You ... see a map of the city you are visiting, but it may help.
    don't need to
  • I'm running out of battery so I...charge my mobile soon.
    will have to
  • It was too hot and sunny at the beach so I... to wear sunglasses and a hat.
  • When you visit countries with completly different cultures, make sure you know what you can and ... do.
  • You ... have your passport ready if you want to travel abroad.
  • You ... to say goodbye at the airport, but it'll be great if you did.
    don't need to
  • We missed our flight so take a train to continue our journey.
  • The Pyramids are the oldest of the Seven Wonders, we ... visit them some day!
  • You... to get a better jacket when you go shopping tomorrow if you plan to go skiing.
    will have to