
The Universe

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  • How can the planets in our solar system be divided?
    Terrestrial and Jovian
  • How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the Sun?
    365 days / one year
  • What do we call the imaginary line that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole?
  • Name all the planets in our solar system in order, from the closest to the Sun to the furthest
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  • The moon is a...
  • Which is the planet closest to the Sun?
  • What are Jovian planets divided into?
    Gas giants and ice giants
  • What do we call the path of an object around another object?
  • How long does rotation take?
    24 hours
  • The Sun is a....
  • What two movements does the Earth make?
    Rotation and revolution
  • Which planet is furthest from the Sun?
  • What special feature does the axis have that allows us to have seasons?
    It´s tilted
  • Which planets have solid surfaces, few moons and no rings?
    Terrestrial planets
  • What is the name of our galaxy?
    Milky way
  • Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?