
Asking questions

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  • last year
    When was the last time you went on vacation?
  • my first English teacher
    Who inspired you to study English?
  • nuts
    What are you allergic to?
  • teachers
    Who works at school?
  • relationships
    What´s your favourite book about?
  • London
    Have you ever been on a business trip?
  • China
    What´s the most populated country in the world?
  • a newspaper
    What did you buy today?
  • last week
    When did your English course start?
  • my sister
    Who in your family are you most similar to?
  • tomorrow
    When can we meet?
  • email
    Will you call me or will you send me an email?
  • Google
    Where do you seach for most information?
  • my father
    Who do you admire?
  • English
    Have you ever read a book in a foreign language?