
Comparative, superlative,, enough-too

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  • It's getting ________ (cold) every day. Winter is coming...
  • Chocolate is _________________ (sweet) than bananas.
  • I don't like horror films. They are never _____________ (wystarczająco straszne).
    scary enough
  • London is ______________ (exciting) capital city in Europe.
    the most exciting
  • This is __________________ (scary) film ever made!
    the scariest
  • What a gorgeous man! He is _______________ (handsome) than Justin Bieber!
    more handsome
  • This is ____________ (beautiful) place I have ever seen...
    the most beautiful
  • Now she is _____________ (old) to eat chocolate. :)
    old enough
  • We don't have ________________ money to go shopping :(
  • I've travelled around the world I am absolutely certain that New York is ____________ (tak interesujący) as Sandomierz.
    as interesting
  • This dog is ________________ (crazy) than my cat!
  • He is __________________ (good) player in our team but also _______ (bad) friend - he's a really selfish person.
    the best/the worst
  • This dog is __________________ (tak zły- evil - jak) the devil himself.
    as evil as
  • This is ____________ (hungry) shark I have ever seen...
    the hungriest
  • They are ___________ (happy) than us.
  • He is a ______________ (bad) driver than my dad. He drives ___________ (za szybko)!
    worse/too fast
  • I'm not friends with Alfred. He is __________ (zbyt poważny).
    too serious
  • He is ___________________ (crazy) as a Mad Hatter!
    as crazy