
Christopher columbus and other explorers

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  • Who was the first person to successfully round Africa to Southeast Asia
    Vasco de Gama
  • On what date did they hit land?
    12th October 1492
  • What was the name of the king and queen who supported Christopher C's trip?
    Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand
  • How many days were they sailing for?
    72 days
  • Which king did John Cabot convince to finance his exploration?
    King Henry the 7th
  • How many miles did Vasco da Gama cover in his historic trip to India
    over 24,000 miles
  • Where was John Cabot born?
  • how was Vasco da Gama welcomed when he came back from India?
    like a Hero
  • what kind of people did John Cabot bring back?
    inuit people
  • Where did Vasco da Gama's expedition leave from?
  • Vasco da Gama was born into what kind of family?
  • Out of 170 crew members, how many made it home alive?
    54 people
  • Why was a direct sea route from Europe to Indian so important in this time?
    Because of the importance of the trade route
  • In what year was Vasco da Gama born?
  • What was the name of the sailor who shouted 'land ahoy'
    Rodrigo de Triana
  • Name the 3 ships on his famous voyage
    Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
  • Name the 4 unknown products mentioned that they brought back from the Americas?
    Tomatoes. corn, potatoes and cacao
  • List the food and animals that he took from spain that people in the Americas had never heard of..
    horses, pigs, sheep, onions, wheat
  • When did Cabot leave Bristol?
    May 1497
  • In what year did John Cabot move to England?