
Personal Hygiene

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  • Name two advantages to brushing your teeth regularly.
    Helps prevent bad breath, cavities, gum disease
  • What drinks increase your risk of cavities?
    Anything with sugar: soda, juice, chocolate milk, etc.
  • I should use _________ and __________ to clean my body.
    Soap & Water
  • Use of tanning beds can cause cancer. True or False
  • I should brush my teeth at least ________ times a day.
  • Chocolate causes acne. True or False?
  • I should go to the dentist ________ times each year.
    Two (Every 6 months)
  • You have to scrub your head and body really hard to get clean. True or False?
  • Name 3 times you should wash your hands?
    Before meals, after meals, after restroom, after playing outside, before sharing items, after coughing/sneezing, after blowing nose, after handling pets, etc.
  • How many seconds does it take for a piece of food that fell on the floor to become contaminated?
    0 seconds, the food is dirty as soon as it hits the ground!
  • I should ______________ to keep myself healthy and in shape.
  • What song can you sing to make sure you wash your hands for 20 seconds?
    Alphabet, Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc.
  • Name 3 methods that germs can be spread.
    Coughing, sneezing, playing outside, sharing food, sharing toys, not washing hands after bathroom or eating, touching things with dirty hands, etc.
  • It is important to _________ your clothes after you wear them.
  • To wake up in the morning, I might need an __________ clock.
  • I should put ___________ on in the morning and after physical education to keep smelling good.
  • Getting enough ____________ at night will make you feel better.