
Experiments with the Muscles

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  • Stand still like a statue for 60 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do five super slow jumping jacks.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do tree pose or balance on one foot for 30 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Hold a plank position for as long as possible.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Squeeze your shoulders up towards your ears. Hold for 10 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Lay still on your mat on your belly or back, relaxing your muscles as much as possible.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Lift your knee and cross your elbow to your opposite knee for 10 sets.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do a runner's lunge.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do five super fast jumping jacks.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Hold boat pose or do yoga bicycles for as long as you can.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor. Shake your legs up and down as fast as possible for 10 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Sit in a chair. Hold your legs our straight in front of you for 60 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Gently squeeze and massage your arms and shoulders.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Hold your arms straight out to the side to make a T. Hold as still as possible for 60 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do a full body “shake it out” for 10 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.
  • Do a wall sit or chair pose for 60 seconds.
    How do your muscles feel? Give at least three words.