
English File A1 Units 4 - 8

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  • 8. Complete the sentence with a verb from the box. Use the verb + ing: camp cycle eat play travel watch Alex loves ____________ DVDs with his friends. Do you like _______ to hot countries?
    watching travelling
  • Write the question for this answer, using How, Where, When, What, How old: .............................................................................................? I play tennis on Sundays.
    What do you do on Sundays?
  • What is the third person for 'like'?
  • They …………………. that word. He ……………………… the newspaper in the morning. Put the verb in the correct form. (present simple) understand read
    They understand that word. He reads the newspaper in the morning.
  • We can swim very well. - Question
    Can we swim very well?
  • We can swim very well. - Question
    Can we swim very well?
  • Complete the dialogue with an object pronoun: A: Are Leo and Gina in the garden? B: I can’t see ________.
  • Complete the sentence with the correct word: Do you want ________ in your coffee? a) sugar b) butter c) rice
  • Write the question for this answer, using How, Where, When, What, How old: .............................................................................................? It’s 2.30 pm.
    What time is it?
  • a I restaurant go always to - correct order
    I always go to a restaurant.
  • What is the date? 22/07 ____________________________________
    The 22nd of July.
  • What is the date? 30/10 ____________________________________
    The 30th of November
  • Complete the dialogue with an object pronoun: A: You love your girlfriend a lot, right? B: Yes, I really love ________.
  • He can play football - Negative
    He can't play football.
  • What's the time: 8.10 ....................................................................... 6.25 .........................................................................
    ten past eight twenty-five past six
  • What's the time: 9.40 ....................................................................... 3.30 .........................................................................
    twenty to ten half-past three
  • Complete the descriptions with the jobs: Stan works in a restaurant. He’s a ________________. Alan is 68. He doesn’t work now. He’s __________.
    waiter retired
  • Complete the dialogue with an object pronoun: A: What’s that? Is it for ________? B: Yes, coffee for you and me.
  • She ……………………. in a shop. We ………………………. in a big house. Put the verb in the correct form. (present simple) work live
    She works in a shop. We live in a big house.
  • Complete the sentences with a + or – imperative of a verb in the box: close sit drink walk Come in and _______________ down. _______________ coffee now! It’s 10.00 pm
    sit Don't drink
  • Choose the correct word from the box to complete the phrases: change drive play take use ________ a photo ________ fast
    take drive
  • Complete the sentence with the correct word: Today’s lunch is vegetable ________ and bread. a) bacon b) cereal c) soup
  • Choose the correct word from the box to complete the phrases: change drive play take use ________ the internet ________ money
    use change
  • What is the third person for 'go'
  • Complete the dialogue with an object pronoun: A: Please call ________ tonight. I want to talk to you. B: OK. Is 7.00 a good time?
  • What is the third person for 'have'?
  • Write the question for this answer, using How, Where, When, What, How old: .............................................................................................? I’m 23 years old.
    How old are you?
  • Write the question for this answer, using How, Where, When, What, How old: .............................................................................................? I live in Madrid.
    Where do you live?
  • You live in London. - negative
    You don't live in London.
  • Complete the sentences with a + or – imperative of a verb in the box: close sit drink walk _______________ in the park at night! It’s very cold. Please _______________ the window!
    Don't sit Close
  • Complete the sentence with the correct word: At dinner, I drink ________ or beer. a) salad b) fish c) wine
  • Complete the sentence with the correct word: I like ________ sandwiches very much. a) water b) cheese c) pasta
  • He plays tennis - negative
    He doesn't play tennis.
  • She studies German. - question
    Does she study German?
  • never tennis play we - correct order
    W never play tennis
  • Complete the descriptions with the jobs: Joanne works in a shop. She’s a __________________. Jessica works in a hospital. She’s a ______________.
    shop assistant nurse/doctor
  • Complete the phrases with the correct verb: _______________ TV _____________ milk ______________ eggs
    watch drink eat
  • 8. Complete the sentence with a verb from the box. Use the verb + ing: camp cycle eat play travel watch We love _______ in summer, so we never stay in hotels. He doesn’t like _______ to work in winter.
    camping cycling
  • 8. Complete the sentence with a verb from the box. Use the verb + ing: camp cycle eat play travel watch I like _______ the piano at the weekend. It’s relaxing. Zara hates _______ vegetables.
    playing eating
  • Complete the phrases with the correct verb: _______________ music _____________ French ______________ newspapers
    listen speak read
  • They work in a bank - question
    Do they work in a bank?
  • to he sometimes the goes cinema - correct order
    He sometimes goes to the cinema
  • What is the third person for 'finish'?
  • Write the question for this answer, using How, Where, When, What, How old: .............................................................................................? It’s S-M-I-T-H.
    How do you spell your surname?
  • What is the third person for 'watch'?