
Idioms (mood and feelings)

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  • get a grip
    to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly
  • go bananas
    get extremely excited / crazy
  • take the wind out of sb's sails
    to make someone feel less confident or less determined to do something, usually by saying or doing something that they are not expecting
  • to have a cow / kittens :)
    to be very worried, upset, or angry about something
  • to speak volumes
    to make an opinion, characteristic, or situation very clear without the use of words
  • to be ill at ease
    to be worried and not relaxed
  • tongue-tied
    you find it difficult to express yourself, usually because you are nervous
  • let off steam
    to do or say something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy
  • catch sb on the hop
    to do something when someone is not ready for it and is not able to deal with it
  • make your flesh crawl
    to make someone very worried or frightened
  • not to turn a hair
    to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens
  • to be in stitches
    zrywać boki ze śmiechu
  • fit to be tied
    extremely angry
  • a ray of sunshine
    promień słońca / promień nadziei
  • to wring ones hands
    If you wring your hands, you show that you are worried or unhappy
  • on tenterhooks
    worried or nervous about something that is going to happen
  • to sugar the pill
    to make something bad seem less unpleasant
  • to be on cloud nine
    to be extremely happy and excited
  • get cold feet
    to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important
  • stiff upper lip
    Someone who has a stiff upper lip does not show their feelings when they are upset
  • to be in stitches
    If a joke or funny story has you in stitches, it makes you laugh a lot (zrywać boki ze śmiechu)
  • music to your ears
    something you are pleased to hear about
  • fever pitch
    a state of very strong emotion
  • the heebie-jeebies
    strong feelings of fear or worry
  • hope against hope
    to hope very strongly that something will happen, although you know it is not likely