
Offering Assistance

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  • Your playing a game and you see your friend getting frustrated from constantly losing. What can you do to help?
    Give him some tips and help him improve his skills. Do not lose the game on purpose as this might backfire.
  • You see your grandparent trying to take their medication but they are too old to read which one of the three medications they have to take. What can you do to help?
    Ask them what medication they need to take/Give them proper medication.
  • Your friend offers you some drugs and they say it has helped relieved them of their stress. What can you do to help?
    Say no and ask them to speak to a councilor/get help for their drug habits.
  • You see two kids fight on the playground. What can you do to help?
    Call an adult or try to break up the fight.
  • Your mom just lost her grandfather. She was very close to him. What can you do to help?
    Comfort her and tell her that he lives spiritually in her/remember the good times she had with him.
  • Your friend is suffering from anxiety because he believes he failed his test. You want to get rid of his anxiety. What can you do to help?
    Do something to take his mind of things.
  • Your friend failed their test. They are clearly distraught. You passed your test with the highest grade. What can you do to help?
    Do not tell them your grade and cheer them up.
  • Your friend is sitting alone eating lunch. What can you do to help?
    Offer to sit beside them to provide company/invite them to sit with you.
  • The teacher made a mistake on a math equation during class. What can you do to help?
    Point out their mistake and ask them to fix it.
  • Your dad is about to walk the dog. However, you know your dad has been working all night and is very tired. What can you do to help?
    Offer to walk the dog for them and let them rest.
  • You and your dad is at the grocery store. The store is closing in 20 minutes so you have to move fast to get all the groceries. Your dad has a list of groceries. What can you do to help?
    Split the list among each other and each of you can get the groceries on your list so that you get all the groceries before the store closes.
  • You see someone getting bullied. The person getting bullied is deaf and cannot hear what the bully is saying to insult them. What can you do to help?
    Tell a teacher about the bullying.
  • Your dad wants to have a BBQ outside. However you know the weather will be rainy. What can you do to help?
    Tell him that the weather will be rainy and to do the BBQ another time.
  • You see lots of leaves in the yard and your brother is trying to clear out all the leaves. What can you do to help?
    Offer to clean the yard with him.
  • You found a key in your classroom but you do not know which of your classmates it belongs to. What can you do to help?
    Take it to the lost and found or give it to the teacher and tell them someone is missing a key.
  • Your friend wants ditch school during class hours. What can you do to help?
    Tell them not to do it and walk away if they insist.
  • Your friend is missing his lucky penny. This penny is indistinguishable to other pennies. What can you do to help?
    Help him look for his penny but if you cannot find it, you can always give him another penny and tell him it is his lucky one.
  • Your brother is sneaking out of the house. He tells you that he doesn't want your parents to find out. What can you do to help?
    Don't let him leave, ask him what is he going to do, and help him explain to your parents why he should be allowed to do it.
  • Two of your friends are in the car with you. They start fighting about who gets to choose what music to play. What can you do to help?
    Tell them to take turns between each song.
  • You are going to a restaurant right after school. You know your family has not yet eaten. What can you do to help?
    Buy take-out food to bring to them when you arrive home.
  • Your brother believes he is a great basketball player but in reality he is not that good. What can you do to help?
    Help him improve such as asking him enroll in basketball practices to improve his skills or coach him.
  • Your dad is trying to unlock a door. He forgot which key unlocks this specific door but you remember. What can you do to help?
    Tell him which key unlocks the door.
  • Your brother has recently ate a lot of candy and is very hyper. He wants more candy. What can you do to help?
    Do not give him more candy and have him calm down.
  • Your best friend loves pretzels. You hate them. At the movies you always get to choose the food your getting. What can you do to help?
    Let him choose this time.
  • Your friend is too tired to drive home. You however are energetic. What can you do to help?
    Offer to drive them instead.
  • Your brother believes they can still play after falling down during a game of basketball. You see that his knee is swollen however. What can you do to help?
    Prevent him from playing and ask him to see a doctor/nurse.
  • Your dad has had a bad day. When he comes home and you try to talk to him he accidentally yells at you. What can you do to help?
    Ask him what is wrong and what you can do to help.
  • Your friend left their computer at home and you need to use the computer to watch a couple of videos in class. What can you do to help?
    Share your computer with them.
  • You see your brother struggling to push a box of his toys. Neither you nor your brother can push the box alone. What can you do to help?
    Push the box with him.
  • Your friend is dizzy and you them holding their head. They are stumbling because of this. What can you do to help?
    Help them keep their balance/guide them.
  • You see your dad trying to backup the car but he cannot see the sides of the car. What can you do to help?
    Stand nearby and tell him when he is getting close to the sides/guide him.
  • Your mom is ran out the door quickly because she is late for work however she forgets her phone. What can you do to help?
    Get the phone and bring it to her BEFORE she leaves for work.
  • You see your brother is very mad and seems like he doesn't want to talk after he had a argument with your parents. What can you do to help?
    Give them space and let them calm down or ask with what is wrong and comfort him.
  • Your cooking a meal and you know someone is allergic to peanuts but your meal requires peanuts. What can you do to help?
    Make two dishes: one with peanuts and one without peanuts.
  • Your cousin gave you money for Christmas. However, one of your other cousins did not receive a gift. What can you do to help?
    Split the money and give half as a gift to your cousin.
  • Your dad incorrectly gets mad at your brother for something you did wrong. Your brother is sad.  What can you do to help?
    Tell your dad the truth and comfort your brother.
  • Your pet is ill. You do not know what to do as you are unfamiliar with animals. What can you do to help?
    Ask someone for directions to a vet or a place to get help for animals.
  • Your dog is sick. The doctor says your dog has a terminal illness and will die within 6 months regardless of treatment. What can you do to help?
    Make those last 6 months with your dog enjoyable for both. Do not euthanize your dog as there is no indication of lingering pain.
  • Pretend your mother is allergic to nuts. While ordering at a restaurant, you see that the salad your mom has just ordered contains a type of nut. What can you do to help?
    Tell the waiter to come back and change the order or have them remove the nuts.
  • You see your mom carrying a bag of groceries. What can you do to help?
    Bring the bags.
  • Your mom is having problems trying to remember what to buy at the store. You are still at home and have not yet left. What can you do to help?
    Write/text her the list of groceries she needs to buy.
  • You and your brother are trying to play a board game. However you know how to play it but your brother does not. What can you do to help?
    Explain to him the rules of the game/teach him how to play.
  • Your dad is dehydrated while hiking with you. You have water in your backpack that you brought to the hike. What can you do to help?
    Give them water.
  • You see your friends struggling with their homework. What can you do to help?
    Do the homework with them/guide them.
  • You see your mom struggling to move a box. What can you do to help?
    Help them move the box.
  • Your friend believes they can sing and are about to perform in front of a big audience. You know from feedback of others that your friend is not as talented. What can you do to help?
    Be honest and tell them the truth.
  • Your dad is tired but he has not yet taken the dog for a walk. What can you do to help?
    Take the dog for a walk for him.
  • It is raining and you have jacket with a hood and an umbrella. Your friend has neither. What can you do to help?
    Let them borrow one of the two.
  • Your parents want to go to the movies but do not know what to watch. You recently watch a good movie with your friends. What can you do to help?
    Suggest the movie that you recently watched to them.
  • Your mom does not get a movie you just watched with her however you understood the movie fully. What can you do to help?
    Explain to her the movie/plot.
  • Your friend has not eaten anything throughout the day. You have two sandwiches in your lunchbox. What can you do to help?
    Offer a sandwich to them.
  • You are in class with your friend sitting far away from the front of the board where the teacher is writing down information. Your friend cannot see it because their vision is bad but you can. What can you do to help?
    Read the information on the board to them.
  • Your friend's cat had just died. What can you do to help?
    Console/comfort them.
  • You see someone who is afraid of heights trying rock climb. Without rock climbing yourself, what can you do to help?
    Offer words of encouragement.
  • You go to the store and find that they have one roll of toilet paper left. A poorer and more needy family was looking to get it but you got it first. What can you do to help?
    Give them the toilet paper as you can buy it from a different store and you can afford to go to another area.
  • Your friend got rejected from the college of his dreams and wants to commit suicide. He however got into other universities. What can you do to help?
    Comfort him and tell him the other universities will be better. (If you are concerned, you can call the police/therapist to see if they can help them out).
  • Your brother accidentally broke your dad's cellphone. He is trying to hide it from him. What can you do to help?
    Tell him to not hide it and help him fix it.
  • You accidentally hurt your friend's feelings. He does not want to talk to you and refuses to text/call. What can you do to help?
    Give them space/leave them alone and eventually make up with them. You can also give them a gift or something as a token of apology.
  • Your brother just got home with a bad grade. What can you do to help?
    Cheer him up/help him study next time.
  • You see a 80-year old person who seems ill fall in line BEHIND you at the hospital. What can you do to help?
    You can let them cut in front of you. Since they are really old and ill, they are more in need of treatment then yourself.