
Review 6

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  • How do you say "preencher um formulario" in English?
    Fill out a form.
  • What is the right pronunciation of the verb "to study" in the past?
    Studied (ed sound)
  • How do you say "POSSO?" in Englis?
    Can I?
  • Change into negative: Can I help you improve your reading.
    I can't help you improve your reading
  • Unscramble the question: she - the - lake - Could - across - swim
    Could she swim across the lake?
  • Change into negative: Can I talk to you now?
    I can't talk to you now.
  • Change into affirmative: Would she go there with me?
    She would go there with me
  • Change using WOULD + LIKE: Do you want to eat something?
    Would you like to eat something?
  • Unscramble the question: the - city - Could - alone - she - through - walk
    Could she walk through the city alone?
  • Change using CAN: I help you woth your writing.
    I CAN help you with your writing.
  • Name three places where we can swim.
    Lake, river, sea, ocean, swimming pool...
  • Tell me the right pronunciation of the verb "to love" in the past.
    Loved (d sound)
  • Change into interrogative: Your girlfriend went down the street
    Did your girlfriend go down the street?
  • Change using CAN: You speak fluently.
    You CAN speak fluently
  • Change into past: I run a marathon.
    I ran a marathon
  • Change into past: He is swimming across the river
    He was swimming across the river.
  • Change into interrogative: The boy was swimming in the lake.
    Was the boy swimming in the lake?
  • Tell me the pronunciation of the verb "to walk" in the past.
    Walked (T sound)