
Giving Directions

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  • Where is the bakery? (on the corner of)
    The bakery is on the corner of Summer St. and Main St.
  • Where is the bar?
    The bar is next to the cafe. The bar is across from the sports center.
  • What is behind the barber shop?
    The parking lot is behind the barber shop.
  • Where is the bank?
    The bank is behind the shopping center.
  • What is next to the gas station?
    The shopping mall is next to the gas station.
  • Where is the library?
  • What is across from he shopping mall?
    The park is across from the shopping mall.
  • Where is the drug store?
  • What is in between the bakery and the grocery store?
    The bank is in between the bakery and the grocery store.
  • I'm at the high school. How do I get to the sports center?
  • Where is the hospital?
  • I'm at the grocery store. How do I get to the bar?
  • I am in the yellow car on Pine St. How do I get to the Bakery?