
FCE - Sentence transformation

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  • Bring your swimming things because it might be warm enough to go swimming. (CASE) - Bring your swimming things ............................. warm enough to go swimming.
    in case it is
  • The teacher asked me whether I was interested in history. (FIND) - "Do .................................. ?", the teacher asked me.
    you find history interesting
  • Luis managed to fix the bike on his own. (SUCCEEDED) - Louis .................... the bike on his own.
    succeeded in fixing
  • The noise my little brother is making is too much for me to bear. (PUT) I ................. the noise my little brother is making any longer.
    can´t put up with
  • People can´t cycle here if they don´t wear helmets. (ALLOWED) - People aren´t ............................. they wear helmets.
    allowed to cycle here unless
  • We went to the beach even though the weather was very wet. (FACT) - We went to the beach despite ................................ raining heavily.
    the fact that it was
  • I´d rather watch football than play it. (PREFER) - I ................................ playing it.
    prefer watching football to
  • My homework is to think of at least 3 ways to collect water in the desert. (COME) - My homework is to ................................... at least 3 ways to collect water in the desert.
    come up with
  • My parents don´t like me lending my skateboard to my friends. (RATHER) - My parents would .............................. my friends borrow my skateboard.
    rather I didn´t let
  • My brother´s trainers cost a lot less than mine. (FAR) - My brother´s trainers .......................... expensive than mine.
    are/were far less
  • I can only come if Mum says it is OK. (UNLESS) - I can´t ...................................... me permission.
    come unless Mum gives
  • It is possible that Sally took your jacket home. (MAY) - Sally ...................................... your jacket home.
    may have taken
  • I sometimes find my little brother annoying. (NERVES) - My little brother ......................... sometimes.
    gets on my nerves
  • "I´m sorry I missed your party," Ben told Sam. (apologised) - Ben ....................... his party.
    apologised to Sam for missing
  • Harry was only able to play perfectly because he had practised for hours. (HAVE) - Harry to play perfectly if he hadn´t practised for hours.
    wouldn´t have been
  • They didn´t cancel the performance despite the rain. (EVEN) - The performance wasnt .................................... was raining.
    cancelled even though it
  • Do you think your mum could take us to school in her car? (LIFT) - Do you think your mum would mind .............. to school in her car?
    giving us a lift
  • When Ann got back from holiday, I called her immediately. (SOON) - I called Ann ................................. back from holiday.
    as soon as she got/was
  • Katy´s parents allowed her to go swimming on her own. (LET) - Katy´s parents ................................. herself.
    let her go swimming by
  • The film probably won´t last more than two hours. (LIKELY) - The film .......................................... on for more than 2 hours.
    is unlikely to go
  • It is too late to go to the cinema now. (POINT) - There´s .................................. to the cinema now because it´s so late.
    no point (in) going
  • Dan played games on his computer all evening. (WHOLE) - Dan .................................. games on his computer.
    spent the whole evening playing
  • Dina has a talent for looking after young children. (CARE) - Dina is very good ................................... young children.
    at taking care of