
Time Management

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  • how do you ask about the progress of something?
    how's it coming along?
  • when you say you're doing it
    I'm working on it
  • when you reserve some time to do something
    set time aside
  • when you say you haven't had time to do something
    I haven't got round to it yet
  • a synonym for busy
  • when something is stressful it makes you
  • when you show you have heard/received the message
  • a verb to say something is expected eg a a baby, a train, an assignment
  • direct way of asking why something is not ready
    what's taking so long?
  • when you decide to do something later that is boring or you are being lazy
    procrastinate/put off
  • When you are not on time
    behind schedule
  • when you are talking about different things but don't realise
    talking at cross purposes