
A2 level revision

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  • Do we usually use these words with the Present Simple or Present Continuous: never, often, today
    Present Simple - never,often, Present Continuous - today
  • Do we usually use these words with the Present Simple or Present Continuous: sometimes, at the moment, now?
    Present Simple - sometimes, Present Continuous - at the moment, now
  • Say the nationalities: Turkey, Italy, Spain, the UK, China, France, the USA, Poland
    Turkish, Italian, Spanish, British, Chinese, French, American, Polish
  • How do we say these numbers and prices? 1) $250,000 2) 9.1 3) 524 4) 77,777
    1) two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; 2) nine point one; 3) five hundred and twenty-four; 4) seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy-seven
  • Make questions with these words: 1. you / last / What / weekend / do / did 2. do / tonight / What / you / going to / are
    1. What did you do last weekend? 2. What are you going to do tonight?
  • Correct this question: Where you did go last month?
    Where did you go last month?
  • Make a question with WHERE for this answer: 1. His father was born in London. 2. My sister lives in Australia.
    1. Where was his father born? 2. Where does your sister live?
  • Make these sentences negative: 1) We went to the theatre last night 2) They’ve got a new car
    1) We didn’t go to the theatre last night 2) They haven’t got a new cat or They don’t have a new car
  • Say the positive and negative short answers: 1. Were they at home last night? 2. Did he call you?
    1. Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t. 2. Yes, he did./No, he didn’t
  • Make a sentence with these words: 1. going to / I’m / today / not / meet / him 2. tonight / We / go to / might / the cinema
    1. I’m not going to meet him today 2. We might go to the cinema tonight
  • What are the opposites of these adjectives: happy, excited, safe, awful?
    Unhappy/sad, bored, dangerous, fantastic/amazing/wonderful
  • Say 8 types of transport
    a coach, a bus, a tram, a train, a bike, a scooter, a plane, a motorbike, a ferry
  • Choose the correct word: 1. There are some/any chairs in the kitchen. 2. Is there a/any furniture?
    1. some 2. any
  • How do we say these numbers and prices? 1) 376 2) 9,500 3) 0.8 4) £759,000
    1) three hundred and seventy-six; 2) nine thousand, five hundred; 3) nought point eight; 4) seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand pounds
  • What are the opposites: quiet, friendly, clean, fast?
    Noisy, unfriendly, dirty, slow
  • Say 8 family members:
    mother, father, son, daughter, grandparents, grandchildren, aunt, uncle,
  • Say 8 things you can wear
    a jumper, a skirt, a dress, shoes, a tie, a top, a hat, a cap, a T-shirt, a shirt, jeans, trousers
  • What is the Past Simple of these verbs: become, find, meet, lose, leave, buy, write, put
    Became, found, met, lost, left, bought, wrote, put
  • Make a sentence with these words: 1. Sunday / tennis/ on / usually / I / play. 2. Out / every / We / Thursday / eat.
    1. I usually play tennis on Sunday. 2. We eat out every Thursday
  • Say eight jobs
    a manager, a doctor, an engineer, a sales assistant, a waiter/waitress, a cleaner, a police officer, an actor/actress, a musician, a teacher,
  • Say 8 free time activities
    Stay in, go out, eat out, go for a drink, go to the cinema, go to concerts, go shopping, phone friends/my family, visit friends/my family
  • Say the comparatives: happy, bad, beautiful, short
    happier, worse, more beautiful, shorter
  • Say the superlatives: good, long, dirty, crowded
    Best, longest, dirtiest, most crowded
  • Make a sentence with these words: 1. go to / usually / I / bed / eleven / at. 2. We / our / ago / a year / bought / house.
    1. I usually go to bed at eleven. 2. We bought our house a year ago
  • Do we use A or SOME with these nouns: meat, banana, tomato, cheese?
    Some meat, a banana, a tomato, some cheese
  • What are the opposites: interesting, tall, lucky, poor
    Boring, short, unlucky, rich
  • What are the opposites of these adjectives: ill, slim, easy, different?
    Well, fat/overweight, difficult, the same
  • Make adverts from these adjectives: fluent, bad, beautiful, fast
    Fluently, badly, beautifully, fast
  • Correct this question: What you going to do tomorrow?
    What are you going to do tomorrow?