
Daily Routines

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  • What is the meaning of "I READ A BOOK" ?
    Leo un libro
  • What is the meaning of " I GET UP " ?
    me levanto
  • What is the meaning of " I DO MY HOMEWORK" ?
    hago mi tarea
  • What is the meaning of " KITCHEN" ?
  • What is the meaning of "I BRUSH MY TEETH" ?
    cepillo mis dientes
  • What is the meaning of " I BRUSH MY HAIR" ?
    Cepillo mi cabello, me peino
  • What is the meaning of " I TAKE A SHOWER" ?
    bañarse, tomo una ducha
  • What is the meaning of "I GET DRESSED" ?
    me visto
  • What is the meaning of " I HAVE A LUNCH" ?
  • What is the meaning of " GARDEN" ?