
Bullies, Self-Esteem, You've got this!

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  • What is positive self-talk? Give an example
    Positive self-talk is when you tell yourself good things about yourself and your life. Examples vary
  • You're walking down the hall and someone laughs and points out you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe. Everyone who saw this will remember for a long time and make fun of you. True or false. What can you do?
    False, everyone will quickly forget. You can thank them for pointing out even if they are being rude and go about your day.
  • While playing football, another player keeps elbowing you when you're nearby. This is just part of the game and not bullying. True or False?
    False. While tackling is part of football purposefully throwing an elbow when there is no reason to means its bullying. You should report it
  • Another student says your shirt is ugly. Give an example how you can respond to this using humor. True or False- this means everyone else at school thinks your shirt is ugly.
    You could say, "You think this ugly? You should see my favorite shirt, its so ugly you'd vomit!" False! This is one person being mean.
  • Your friend tells you that you should try vaping and more people would like you if you did. Is this being a friend? How can you respond?
    This is peer pressure, a true friend wouldn't try to get you to do something you shouldn't. You can tell them "No thanks"
  • You are feeling really sad today and just want to cry. What positive self talk could you use?
    Its okay to feel sad, I won't always feel this way. Answers vary
  • Basketball just isn't your game, but you have to play the game in PE. What can you tell yourself?
    It's okay, just do your best!
  • You're feeling anxious about the first day of school. What can you tell yourself?
    Its no big deal! Other kids are nervous too!
  • Bullies are often victims of bullying themselves. True or False
    True. People who have been bullied are more like to bully others
  • You get a text message from another student saying, "You better watch your back." What should you do?
    Block them and tell an adult
  • The teacher calls on you to answer a question and you don't know the answer. What can you do? What will the other students think because you don't know the answer?
    Tell the teacher sorry, I don't know. The other students have all been there! We don't always know all the answers.
  • You studied really hard for your test, and you still only got a C on it. This means you are dumb and will never learn the topic. True or False. What could you say to yourself in this situation?
    False! We can't all be good at everything. You could tell yourself, "It's okay, I'll do better next time!"