
Motivate 2 Unit 5 Vocab 1 Money

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  • bán
    sell Make a sentence with 'sell'
  • vay
    Borrow. Make a sentence....
  • mua
    buy Make a sentence with 'buy'
  • thắng lợi
    win Make a sentence with 'win'
  • cho vay
    lend Make a sentence with 'lend'
  • thắng lợi
    Win. Can you make a sentence?
  • tiêu
    spend Make a sentence with 'spend'
  • trả tiền cho
    pay for Make a sentence with 'pay for'
  • kiếm
    earn make a sentence with earn
  • trao đổi
    swap Make a sentence with 'swap'
  • tiết kiệm
    save Make a sentence with 'save'