
B1 Preliminary For Schools

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  • I think your parents ........... be here in a minute.
    will ( opinion in future)
  • We left home, walked to the station and ........... the bus.
    Caught. ( We use past simple when we are refering to a sequence of past actions.)
  • I .......... you perfectly but I´m sure there´s another option. (understand )
    Understand ( understand is a state verb which means it isn´t used with continuous verbs)
  • Do you fancy ................ a film at the cinema later?
    Watching ( after FANCY we use -ING form)
  • Did you see that interested/ interesting programme about the moon last night?
    interesting (opinion -ing)
  • I´ve ............. finished my homework. I finished it a minute ago.
    just ( very recently , a short time ago)
  • Many people ................... cycling these days. ( take up)
    are taking up -( These days - not necessarily now -present continuous)
  • This is ................................................ classroom in the school. (big)
    the biggest
  • When my grandfather was young , children ............ stay at school until the age of 18. (Must not -Didn´t have to) (
    Didn´t have to. ( we can´t use must not for the past)
  • I ....................... drink orange juice but now I drink water.
    used to ( we use USED TO to talk about things that happened regularly in the past but do not happen now)
  • I´ve got a friend called Owen. He lives in Valencia. (Make one sentence)
    I´ve got a friend called Own WHO lives in Valencia. (WHO refers to people)
  • Have you ................................. been to Paris?
    ever ( EVER is used in questiions to talk about past experiences)
  • I haven´t finihed my Science project ............... .
    YET ( Yet is used in negative sentences and in questions to talk about things we plan to do in the future , but which are not done)
  • I love ............... with my friends. ( hang out)
    hanging out. ( after LOVE we use -ing form)
  • Some people think it´s ............................ to make friends when you are older. (difficult)
    more difficult .( comparative adjective- we use MOREmore before long adjectives)
  • Jane ............................. at 3 pm yesterday afternoon. (WALK)
    was walking ( we use past continuous for a particular moment in the past)
  • I can´t stand .............. sports . I´m really lazy!
    Doing ( after CAN´T stand we use the -ing form)