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  • You are talking with a friend but need to head to class so you are not late. What can you do?
    Let your friend know! Say something like "Hey I have to head to class so I'm not late. Let's talk later!"
  • You are talking to a friend and suddenly you think of an off topic question you want to ask them. What should you do?
    Wait for a pause in the conversation and say, "This is off topic but..."
  • You are talking to a friend and want to add something to the conversation. When can you say what you want to say?
    Wait for a pause in the conversation!
  • How can you interrupt a conversation nicely?
    Wait for a pause in conversation and say "excuse me" or "can I add something?"
  • Your mom asks how your day was when you get home from school. You don't really want to talk about it. What can you say?
    "It was okay. Can we talk about it later?"
  • How can you show someone you are interested in what they are saying?
    Eye contact, nodding head, adding related comments
  • A classmate walks up to you and begins to ask you about something you don't want to talk about. How can you nicely get out of the situation?
    Tell them, "Sorry, I'm not really in the mood to talk about this right now."
  • You see a group of people you know playing Minecraft and you want to join. What can you do?
    Walk up and say "Hey guys! I love Minecraft. Could I watch or join?"
  • How can you start a conversation with your new desk mate?
    Introduce yourself if you haven't met before. Then ask them a question like, "How's your day going?"
  • Your dad is helping you with homework but you don't think you need his help. How can you let him know?
    Tell him, "Thank you for your help. I think I understand but will let you know if I have any questions."
  • Should you leave a conversation before saying bye?
  • You are talking with a teacher about a homework assignment. You had a question but your teacher helped to explain it. Your teacher keeps explaining even though you don't need her help anymore. What can you do?
    Wait until there is a break in conversation and say something like, "Thank you for explaining, I get it now!"
  • Your sister won't stop asking you about something you don't want to talk about. You tell her that you don't want to talk about it, but she still doesn't stop. What can you do?
    Ignore them, ask someone for help, or remove yourself from the situation!
  • How can you end a conversation that you don't want to have anymore?
    Say, "It was nice talking to you but I need to get going."
  • You see someone you don't know with a really cool FNF shirt. How can you let them know?
    Walk up and say, "Hey I really like your shirt! I'm an FNF fan too"