
1st Amendment

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  • Do some people have more of a right to free speech than others?
  • Which is NOT protected by the 1st Amendment Right of freedom of speech? ___ intentionally spread lies and call it freedom of speech; Print false information knowing it was false to hurt someone; Yell fire in a crowded room
    All of above
  • An example of Freedom of Petition is (a) collecting signatures of the people who agree that candy should be served at lunch (b) wearing a t-shirt of your favorite band (c) organizing a parade
    (a) collecting signatures of the people who agree that candy should be served at lunch
  • Freedom of Assembly protects which event (a) parade (b) protest (c) both
    (c) both
  • Does Freedom of Speech mean you can express yourself by wearing whatever you want (that is school appropriate) to school?
  • What freedom gives you the right to practice or not practice any faith, religion or worship of your choice?
    Freedom of religion
  • Scouting, sports teams, and after-school clubs are allowed in our country because of which freedom?
    Freedom of Assembly
  • Our government says we should go to church on (a) Sunday (b) Wednesday (c) it is not allowed to say that
    (c) it is not allowed to say that
  • True or false: The Constitution does not prohibit public school teachers from teaching about religion in school.
  • True of False: Calling or writing your mayor because your park needs playground equipment is Freedom Of Petition?
  • If you disagree with the government you can get others who share your opinion to sign a piece of paper saying you want to change the law. This is the...
    Freedom to petition
  • True or False: Freedom of Speech means you can print or say anything you want?
  • Which Freedom prevents our government from making all Americans attend the same church?
    Freedom of Religion
  • The press includes (a) newspapers (b) magazines (c) television (d) radio
    All of above
  • The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called____
    The Bill of Rights
  • A press pass gives reporters a First Amendment right to trespass on private property when covering the news.
  • True or false: The church/state clause of the First Amendment prohibits students from praying in class before a test.
  • You can get together with a group of citizens to march or just gather somewhere as a show of protest exhibiting your...
    Freedom of assembly
  • The newspapers can write the truth even if it is saying bad things about the government. This is what right under the 1st Amendment?
    Freedom of the press
  • Can the governor make a TV station check with him or her before broadcasting the news?
  • True or false: The government can ban song lyrics that most people would find offensive.
  • "I can spread mean hurtful rumors about someone even if they aren’t true, because that is freedom of speech and it is protected by the 1st amendment." => True or False
  • Can a reporter be sent to jail for refusing a judge's order to reveal the identity of his or her news source?
  • Which religion is not allowed by the Constitution?
    (trick question) NONE
  • True or False --- Citizens of the United States do not have the right to burn the flag.