
Fce unit 5 vocab

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  • what phrasal verb means "to be as good as something"?
    live up to
  • Fill in the gap: David is _________ English at university.
  • Fill in the gap: It was the first time they had _____________ in an online class.
    taken part
  • Correct the mistake in this sentence: "I assist the same school as my sister."
    attend instead of assist
  • what commonly confused word means "to be present at an event"?
  • What commonly confused word means "to help"
  • Correct the mistake in this sentence: "I´ve learned lots of children how to swim."
    taught instead of learned
  • correct the mistake in this sentence: "Membership of the tennis club wasn´t expensive so I decided to take part."
    Join instead of take part
  • what commonly confused word means: "to give someone new knowledge or skills"?
    To teach
  • what phrasal verb means "to return something to the person that gave it to you"?
    to hand back
  • Fill in the gap: The history exam _________ to be easier than she expected.
    turned out
  • Fill in the gap: Alejandro _____________ not doing his homework because the teacher forgot.
    got away with
  • what phrasal verb means "to feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy, or get better after an illness"?
    To get over
  • what commonly confused word means "to find out new information for the first time or very recently"?
    find out